Don’t mistake this as sign of hair growth in Alopecia

A lot of people mistake broken hair for regrowth. Knowing to tell the difference is key 🔑.

Did your docs take a 2-second look and proceed with their diagnosis ➡️ prescribing minoxidil or steroids or immunosuppressants ➡️ making random prognosis (it’ll grow back, it won’t grow back, we’ll try and see)? 🤨

Naturopathic & functional docs, unless they are experienced and specialised in alopecia, won’t even know how to tell whether you are in active loss or regrowth phase. All they see is “hair loss”.

❗️ Exclamation hair or broken hair looks like short stubs or hair. This is NOT hair regrowth. Regrowth doesn’t come in stubs. These are hair that have been broken near the scalp. Sometimes they appear as black dots. This indicates that there is an active flare up. Something is triggering immune activity that is causing active hair loss. Act now to slow down or stop the loss!

Don't mistake this for hair growth in Alopecia

✅ Regrowth comes in fuzz. Mostly, they appear as white baby hair first, which is hard to see. They grow longer and get pigmented, how fast this happens depends on your nutritional status (not only what you eat but also what you digest + absorb + utilise). If it’s taking a long time to grow longer and get pigmented, something is not optimised. Also time to act. Don’t be complacent when you get regrowth. You are doing something right so keep going. You are not out of the woods yet.


Will your hair grow back after Alopecia?

Alopecia is a term that simply means “hair loss”. There are many types and causes of hair loss. Some are purely caused by genetics, for example male pattern baldness, some are caused by stress, some are caused by nutrient deficiency, and some are caused by autoimmunity.

Autoimmune Alopecia generally show up in 3 different forms: Alopecia Areata (patchy bald spots), Totalis (total hair loss on the scalp), Universalis (total hair loss on the scalp and all over the body). There can also be ophiasis pattern of hair loss which is hair loss around the sides of the scalp and along the hairline.

How do you know if you have autoimmune Alopecia? A telltale sign of autoimmune Alopecia is exclamation point hair, which is short, broken hair near the scalp where it goes thinner at the base or scalp (hence it’s called exclamation mark). When you see exclamation point or broken hair, it means that you are in active hair loss stage, and this is the perfect time to take a baseline of what you are exposed to, because it can provide clues to identifying your triggers.

The areas around the broken hair typically forms a patch of bald spot. If you don’t do anything now, hair loss may progress into Alopecia Totalis, leading to loss of all hair on the scalp, and it may progress even further into Alopecia Universalis. This all sounds scary and frustrating, but autoimmune Alopecia can be overcome (with commitment and discipline) and personally I chose to NOT use any form of pharmaceutical drugs (which don’t solve the problem but just managing symptoms).

Routine bloodwork usually doesn’t tell you anything. Even more specialised, functional blood and GI tests will lead you down pretty much the same “”solution”” — diet, underlying infection or toxicity, lifestyle measures, etc etc. Causes of autoimmune alopecia can be physiological and/or psychological, or both. Blood tests don’t reveal psychological or emotional causes.


Winning Alopecia
Alopecia Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Solution Explained!

What is Alopecia? What are the signs and symptoms of Alopecia? What causes hair loss due to Alopecia? And the most important questions… What can we do about it? Will your hair ever grow back from Alopecia?

I’m going to talk about all these from first-hand experience — not just theories — and YES, the causes ARE KNOWN, and I’m gonna talk about those too. Plus… How can we get our hair back using ways that your doctors don’t talk about?

Okay so, first off, what is alopecia?

Alopecia is basically just a general medical term that means hair loss, or absence of hair where it would normally be expected to grow on parts of the body. Alopecia itself comes in different types of forms, depending on the causes and the patterns of hair loss. The type of alopecia I’ll be talking about in this video and in my channel in general is autoimmune Alopecia, which is caused by a multitude of factors completely unrelated to the hair itself, but they affect the overall functioning and balance of our immune system and they result in hair loss as the visible symptom.

Now, there are a few types of Alopecia which are non-autoimmune related, such as:

Androgenetic Alopecia, more widely known as male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. This is a hereditary type of hair loss condition where the hair loss is gradual and it occurs in a predictable pattern.

Traction Alopecia, where the hair loss is caused by excessive physical tension on the hair, such as from certain tight hairstyles or the use of certain hair accessories that cause stress on the hair shafts.

Trichotillomania, which is hair loss that is caused by repetitive pulling of the hair. This is usually due to a psychological disorder.

Telogen Effluvium, where hair follicles prematurely enter the resting phase or the telogen phase of the hair growth cycle. This can be caused by things like stress, illnesses, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal changes, rapid weight loss, or as side effects of medication.

Anagen Effluvium, where external factors like toxic chemical exposure ,scalp infections or trauma on the scalp, as well as things like chemo drugs and radiation therapy, disrupt or damage the dividing hair cells in the hair follicles during the anagen phase or the active growth phase of the hair follicles.

Autoimmune Alopecia includes Alopecia Areata, Alopecia Totalis, and Alopecia Universalis.

Alopecia Areata is when the hair loss appears in patches or bald spots on the scalp.

Alopecia Totalis is total hair loss on the scalp.

Alopecia Universalis is total hair loss on the scalp and all the other parts of the body, including eyelashes, eyebrows, and other body hair.

Sometimes, autoimmune Alopecia can also appear in an ophiasis pattern, where the hair loss occurs around the sides and the back of the scalp… so, along the areas above and behind the ears and along the sides of the scalp.

These are all types of autoimmune alopecia that I’ll be talking about in this post.

What are the signs of autoimmune Alopecia?

How can you tell if it’s an autoimmune type of Alopecia? It’s important to know the difference, because Alopecia or hair loss is generally categorized by the causes, and by knowing the causes then you will know what to do about it.

Unlike other types of hair loss, a telltale sign of autoimmune Alopecia is what we call exclamation hair or broken hair. These are short stubs of hair on the area of active hair loss or the area of bald spots, and we call it exclamation point hair or exclamation mark hair because the hair gets thinner as it goes closer to the scalp, resembling exclamation mark.

Sometimes, broken hair can appear as black dots, which mean that the hair has been broken near the scalp.

If you are new to Alopecia, you most likely won’t notice these until a bald spot has formed on the scalp. By the time you notice, there are probably one or even more visible patches of hair loss already on the scalp, but before they become patches of bald spots, there would have been what we call broken hair or exclamation point hair that indicates that hair is broken near the scalp. Because it’s very hard to see or notice broken hair, it’s often missed until the hair loss has formed a patch.

A lot of information out there on the signs of autoimmune Alopecia basically just says, you know, the signs and symptoms are just patchy hair loss. But by the time you see patches of hair loss, you’ve already missed valuable opportunities to do something to stop the hair loss from progressing into more patches, into bigger patches, or even to total hair loss.

A better sign of identifying autoimmune Alopecia, in my opinion, is not bald spots, but signs of broken hair.

Now, let’s say you see broken hair or you see the bald spots and you are taking steps to control the inflammation and you notice that there is no more broken hair or no more black dots in the areas of hair loss or anywhere on your scalp, that is good news because it means that whatever you’re doing, your body agrees with. It’s “working” for you, so take note of it.

You should also see new hair sprouting in these areas of hair loss. Usually, new regrowth comes in like baby hair so they’re soft, fuzzy (like peach fuzz), and they’re often white in color at first. They should get pigmented and get longer as they grow. This is what we call new growth and this is really, really good sign.

But if you’re not seeing regrowth within a reasonably short amount of time, or the regrowth seems slow, or it seems to be taking quite a long time for the white baby hair to get pigmented into your natural hair color, that means there are other issues that you need to address, and that’s topic for another day because that can be quite a lot that we can go down a rabbit hole to try and identify what the culprits are… something is not optimized within the body that’s preventing growth.

What causes autoimmune Alopecia?

How many of you have been to your doctors with Alopecia and you are told that the cause is unknown?

If you have patchy or total alopecia and your doctor says that it’s because of stress, they don’t know what they’re talking about, because stress does not directly cause autoimmune Alopecia. Instead, stress affects the balance of your immune system, and given the right combination of factors, it can manifest into Alopecia, but autoimmune Alopecia is more than just stress.

If your child has patchy hair loss or total hair loss and your doctor said that they could have been pulling at their hair, they don’t know what they’re talking about. Hair loss that is caused by pulling of the hair or physical tension or physical stress on the hair is not autoimmune type of Alopecia, and it looks very different from autoimmune type (patchy or total hair loss).

As I said earlier in the post, in the case of autoimmune Alopecia, the cause can be multiple, underlying factors and it’s usually a combination of factors, so it’s not just one thing. But they’re not caused by anything wrong with the hair or the hair follicles itself.

To understand what causes autoimmune Alopecia, we need to understand what causes autoimmune.

The cause of autoimmune usually involves multiple underlying, often hidden and difficult-to-identify causes.

Genetic predisposition.

The number one factor in getting autoimmune Alopecia is genetic predisposition to getting autoimmunity. To me, this is a huge factor. I disagree that genetics only play a small part and that epigenetics — which are all the things that you can sort of control through your diet and lifestyle choices — are what put you on the autoimmune map. I don’t agree with that. I think that genetics give us a huge disadvantage to start with, so that we have to be really careful with epigenetics. Maybe for a lot of people get autoimmune symptoms after having made poor lifestyle choices over a period of time, but that doesn’t apply in our case.

So, the genes that you are born with give you the vulnerability to getting an autoimmune disorder, and there’s nothing you can do about your genes. You will not be the only one in your family with autoimmunity, regardless of whether they’re getting symptoms or not. They may be in the beginning stage of the autoimmune spectrum and don’t know about it, or they may have been diagnosed with autoimmune disease. Even if they do have a diagnosed autoimmune disease, it’s very likely that they don’t have Alopecia, and that it’s another type of autoimmune that affects other parts of the body.

Autoimmune symptoms are very wide-ranging, anything from infertility, unexplained miscarriages, stroke, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, Hashimoto’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome or IBS… all of these are different types and symptoms of autoimmunity.

But autoimmunity is not purely a genetic condition, so genes alone usually won’t trigger symptoms. There are two other groups of factors — yes, groups of factors — which make this extra difficult to pinpoint.

Environmental or external triggers.

So, other than genetics, environmental triggers or external triggers can include a myriad of things that contribute to the manifestation of your autoimmune genetics into a full-blown condition, in this case Alopecia.

This is anything from what you eat, even if it’s otherwise healthy, which can be the culprit that triggers your symptoms, thanks to your autoimmune genetics.

It can be what you are exposed to in your environment, so what you use on yourself, what’s in your home, in your school, in your office, your garden, personal care products, the water you drink and whether it has contaminants that happen to set things off in your system, the cookware you use and whether it contains toxic chemicals that your body doesn’t agree with, the products you use in your household — your cleaning products, laundry detergents — volatile organic compounds or VOCs in your home, whether there is mold exposure.

It can be work and life stress. It can be medications that are used BEFORE the onset of symptoms, such as medications that Wipe uut the microbial diversity in your gut and medications that stimulate your immune system.

It can be any possible stressors including stored trauma keeping you in fight or flight. It can be underlying infection or overgrowth, and not only infection that is clearly making you sick like a viral or bacterial infection, but infections like H pylori for example, or any other infection — whether it’s yeast, bacterial or fungal. It can be heavy metal toxicity, mycotoxins in your system. It can be mineral imbalance or even other autoimmune conditions.

The suspects are endless, and this is why you are often told that the cause is unknown. It’s not so much unknown… it’s just very very difficult to find out.

I’m not saying that any of these potential culprits is healthy for us, but for someone with autoimmune genetic predisposition, they can trigger an active autoimmune disease. You should be your own detective to find out what your triggers are, because if you don’t then you will not get out of that autoimmune cycle.

Intestinal permeability (leaky gut).

The other factor is intestinal permeability, or you’ve probably heard of it as leaky gut. It is thought that leaky gut precedes in all cases of autoimmunity, which means that there is always a leaky gut condition before the onset of an autoimmune condition.

Intestinal permeability or leaky gut is a condition where the tight junctions — the seals between our cells — in the gut lining is compromised. This gut lining is a critical barrier that protects us from harmful substances while allowing the entry of beneficial nutrients. But this lining is only as thin as one cell and when its Integrity is compromised, molecules that leak from this lining into your bloodstream can create problems. Your immune system sees these molecules as danger to your body and in order to protect you, it reacts by making high levels of antibodies to fight them.

The way our food systems are these days, and with the level of pollution that’s in our environment and food systems, I’d argue that everyone has leaky gut conditions. But with autoimmune genetic predisposition in your back pocket, coupled with an environmental trigger plus a leaky gut condition, you’ve got the perfect recipe for a full-blown autoimmune to manifest into symptoms. For others, leaky gut could spiral into other illnesses or health conditions down the road.

Leaky gut itself can be caused by a myriad of factors. Are you seeing how this can be an exhausting game of search and find? lol…

What you can do about autoimmune Alopecia (How to stop hair loss and get your hair back)

So what can we do about autoimmune Alopecia? Can your hair grow back?

Current medical treatment for Alopecia.

If you’ve seen a doctor for Alopecia, then you’re probably no stranger to minoxidil, antihistamine or allergy medication, or some forms of steroids and immunosuppressants, which are given either as topical treatment (lotions and creams to be applied on the scalp), as corticosteroid injections on areas of bald spots, or as oral treatment (taken as pills). People can get varying degrees of effects from these medications, but all of these medications do not address the cause.

Solution that addresses the cause – where to start.

If you want to address the cause, then it’s both simple yet difficult. It’s simple because now that we know the myriads of possibilities of culprits or triggers, we can go play detective and try to hunt down and find out what it is and then go after it.

It’s difficult because there are so many possibilities and it can be a real pain and a long process to find out what it is. It involves a lot of guesswork, a lot of non-standard lab testing which still has a lot of limitations, and it can be really, really expensive.

To make this search and hunt process for manageable, we can start with the most common culprits first, and a lot of people find solutions by just addressing the most common culprits first.

We look to things that we can clean up right away FIRST.

A huge component of environmental triggers is in what you consume, so clean up your diet. Take a look at any medications that you are taking, if you’re taking any. Clean up exposure to toxic chemicals in your environment. Work on your sleep, your exercise habits, and your stress levels. This is a great place to start.

If your child has alopecia and if they’re always getting sick and taking medication, then there’s plenty you can do to boost their immune system so they don’t get sick as often and they don’t need to use as much medication. But, be careful about using things that can stimulate the immune reaction into an overdrive, which can worsen autoimmune symptoms.

If your doctors tell you that Alopecia has nothing to do with your diet or with what you eat, they don’t know what they’re talking about! Diet is the biggest, most important factor that can influence the symptoms of autoimmune conditions, including Alopecia, including hair regrowth (once you get into regrowth phase), and the immune system function overall. Diet is not the only thing that can solve this, but it’s a huge part of this. How can diet possibly have nothing to do with diseases that we get? It’s like saying, your car should run even if you fill it with sewer water instead of gasoline… it just doesn’t make sense!

Conclusion: You are not powerless!

So there you have it, what’s Alopecia, what’s autoimmune, what causes autoimmune Alopecia, and YES, the causes are known, you just have to find out what your triggers are, and what to do about it, because YOU ARE NOT POWERLESS when it comes to Alopecia! You have to take this into your own hand, because no one else is more interested in getting you out of this than you are!

Why you get “normal” blood test results with Alopecia

Why you get “normal” blood test results with Alopecia

Have you been told “everything in your labs looks normal”?

In our personal experience, we had done standard blood tests, non-standard blood tests, including comprehensive autoimmune markers, as well as more specialised (and very pricey!) “functional” labs, like the GI map, comprehensive stool analysis, microbiome test, micronutrient panel, etc etc. Although testing can be very helpful for some people, it never really gave me any useful insight in our case. Like many of my clients, we were told “everything looks normal”. My daughter did not even have a single autoimmune marker in the labs when she had a massive flare up a few years back. I decided to just zoom out, stopped focusing on the numbers, and refocused on the whole body health instead, and that’s when things took a turn for the better.

1️⃣ Inflammatory Markers: Autoimmune conditions can be tricky because they often involve inflammation. However, not all inflammation markers are specific to a particular condition. They can be elevated for various reasons, making it challenging to pinpoint the exact cause.

2️⃣ Genetic Factors: Genetics play a significant role in autoimmune alopecia. These genetic factors don’t usually show up in most blood tests, as they involve complex interactions between multiple genes.

3️⃣ Tissue-Specific Activity: The autoimmune response might be localized within the hair follicles, and this activity might not manifest as abnormalities in the bloodstream.

4️⃣ Environmental Triggers: Triggers for autoimmune diseases can be environmental, and many times even emotional/psychological, and these factors are usually not reflected in blood tests.

5️⃣ Diagnostic Limitations: Some autoimmune conditions are simply difficult to diagnose through blood tests alone.

I still recommend that you have blood tests done; I personally like to keep a record of things as baseline and as we progress (or have setbacks) through this condition. Blood tests can also pinpoint obvious things that need extra attention, such as deficiencies or other anomalies. But I don’t recommend us getting too obsessed with blood tests alone. We are not robots and our bodies don’t work like robotic machines!

#alopecia #alopeciaareata #alopeciaawareness #alopeciatotalis #alopeciauniversalis


How to Overcome Alopecia Naturally: 8 Key Insights

Intro: Who This Is For

If you or your little one have alopecia and you are actively looking for hope solutions and ways to overcome it outside of the mainstream pharmaceutical, ‘bandaid’, medicine treatment, then this is for you.

Who am I and Why I Do This

Who am I to be talking about alopecia?

Well, long story short, my background is actually in corporate tech and digital. My training had nothing to do with healthcare, but I’ve educated myself by being hands on and knee-deep in learning all I can about autoimmune and alopecia.

For the past seven years since my daughter’s diagnosis of alopecia areata, she was only 19 months young at that time, and the reason I learned all I can by myself is because no doctor, no medical professional, whether it be western medicine — family physician, dermatologist, pediatrician, and even pediatric dermatologist — or naturopathic doctors, alternative medicine, traditional medicine, you name it… no one, and I mean, no one can help me get to the root of this.

No one can offer me a solution, especially when we’re talking about young children where a lot of treatments for adults are not appropriate., not suitable, or even sometimes not safe for kids.

I had no choice but to help myself. I left the corporate digital world that I knew in order to try and solve this for my daughter. And in this channel, I’ll share what I’ve learned all these painstaking, bumpy years.

I’ve experimented with enough modalities. I’ve tried enough things, we’ve had enough setbacks and success, and we’ve been through enough cycles of ups and downs, so much that I feel I have a pretty good grasp of what this alopecia journey looks like. And dare I say, more so than how the doctors I’ve seen.

Doctors wanted to help. They tried to. They probably learned about alopecia and autoimmune. They probably learned about it in medical school, but they don’t know enough about it. They have not lived with it. They have not been through the ups and downs of trying to solve it, truly, and when put to the test, they simply don’t have anything to offer (outside of pharmaceuticals which just manage symptoms).


So it’s very important for me to emphasize that I am not a doctor, I am not a medical or a healthcare professional in any capacity. That means that whatever I share in all of my content is not medical advice. If you want medical advice and if you want opinions from doctors and healthcare professionals, go see one. This channel and what I do is about looking outside the grid of western medicine for solutions and ways to solve alopecia

I’ll share what I’ve personally been through, and I’ve been through quite a rollercoaster ride with alopecia. It was not a smooth straight line journey from hair loss to hair growth. It’s not a straight linear zero to hero story. I wouldn’t have learned all that I needed to learn if it was that simple linear journey, right? I wouldn’t have built the depth of knowledge that I have if that were the case.

And although I share mainly non-pharmaceutical approaches, I am not anti meds. Modern medicine definitely has its place. Modern medicine has saved my life and I am grateful for it. It has its place, but I’m being objective by saying that it also has its limitations, and I don’t think that anyone can argue with that, right? Modern medicine may help in relieving symptoms, but it also comes with side effects. Whether you feel those side effects now or not, whether you can see those side effects now or not, it all comes with side effects. What I am is about being reasonable and making your own choice by weighing benefits versus risks.

What this video is about: 8 key points to overcoming Alopecia naturally

If you’ve been searching online, you’ve probably come across a bunch of information and some of what you found may even be contradicting, or at least things may seem overwhelming. The purpose of this video is to share eight important foundational points that I think you need to know before you choose which modality as your solution to alopecia or your potential solution to alopecia. Especially if you are about to drop a lot of money on so-called “healing programs”, or if you have already started out on your recovery journey or your effort for recovery and have varying degrees of success, then these eight points can still help you perhaps regain clarity and realign your steps going forward.

Point 1: No cure doesn’t mean no hope

We’re always told that there’s no cure for alopecia. There’s no cure for autoimmune diseases or autoimmune conditions. For many people, when they hear the words “no cure”, they automatically think that there is “no hope” to recover, to reverse, or even just to get better from a condition.

No cure usually means that there is no pharmaceutical solution, that there is not a simple solution in the form of a medicine, a pill or injection, to overcome something. If we think about cure from pharmaceuticals, even a simple cold has no cure from medicine. You recover from common colds by relying on your own body’s immune system to fight off whatever pathogens are making you sick. Medicine doesn’t do that. Medicine simply relieves symptoms while your body fights things off by itself. In many cases, medicine simply makes symptoms more manageable so that you feel more comfortable, or even to buy you some time while your immune system does its job.

But pharmaceuticals are not all that we have. Many people have it so pre-programmed in their minds to look to medicine for anything. That’s just how we’ve been pre-programmed to think, right. We get something, and we look to medicine automatically… first thing, by default. It’s almost like we’ve been trained over time to immediately search for answers in pharmaceutical medicine. And when they don’t have any solution, we put it in our head that there is no cure and therefore there is no hope.

But there’s way more than just pharmaceuticals that can help us. So you need to get used to this in your mind: No pharmaceutical cure does not mean no hope of getting better or recovering from a condition, including alopecia, including autoimmune.

Point 2: Be careful with your thoughts and beliefs

As much as what you put into your body by way of food, — you know, what you eat — is important, so is what you put into your thoughts and your mind. Your mind and your body are connected. If you want to heal from alopecia, you need to tell yourself that you can heal, that you’re not meant to have alopecia, that you’re not born to live with this condition. You need to put these positive, affirming thoughts because your thoughts become your beliefs, and your beliefs can become your reality.

If you want proof that your mind and your body are connected, you can try this simple exercise.

Close your eyes and imagine cutting open a juicy lemon. A imagine running a knife through the middle of that big, fat, juicy lemon. Now imagine squeezing all that lemon juice into your mouth. Do you feel the sensation of your mouth salivating? There is, in reality, no lemon squeezing into your mouth. There’s no lemon juice dripping into your mouth. There’s simply your thought of it. But what is stimulating your saliva glands?

Your thoughts affect how your body responds at a physical level.

Tune out any negative suggestions, including those from your doctors. Actually, it doesn’t matter who they are. If they tell you that there’s no way to get better from alopecia, if they tell you that you will have no hair, that you will just have to live with and accept the fact that alopecia will be there for the rest of your life, or even if they say that you are totally at the mercy of the hair randomly deciding whether to grow back or not, tune them out.

Be very careful with these kinds of suggestions and tune them out. Train yourself to tune them out the moment you hear them. It doesn’t matter who they’re from. If you want a shot at this, you need to only fill your mind with what you want to achieve. If what you want to achieve is full hair growth and to put alopecia behind you, then that’s what you need to flood your minds with. It doesn’t matter whether you are there, whether you’re seeing progress, whether you’ve seen hair growth, it doesn’t matter. You just keep believing in that. You just keep believing that alopecia will be history for you. Just keep persisting with that belief.

Don’t underestimate the power of your thoughts and your beliefs. Your thoughts become your beliefs. Your body starts to believe what you repeatedly tell yourself, whether it is consciously or subconsciously.

If you want to get all your hair back, then don’t keep telling yourself or your child or your little one, “I don’t need hair.” Stop that. Stop glorifying hair loss and the bald aspects of this. Yes, it’s important to have the capacity to deal with hair loss and the worst case scenario. It’s important to be prepared for that, but it’s also important, if not more important, to fill yourself with where you actually want to go.

In seven years, I never once told my daughter that she’s the chosen one to have alopecia, that she’s meant to have alopecia, or that she doesn’t need hair. I never said those things to her. I never told her that she had the perfect head that doesn’t need hair. I avoided this type of language like a plague. I teach her the realities of what we’re dealing with. I explain to her the mechanisms of how this happens. I’ve always been very careful with my language and what I teach and what I tell her. I don’t want to use languages that make her mind retreat into simply accepting the condition as being meant for her. Saying these things may make you feel better in that moment, because then you may feel that you don’t have to deal with X, Y, and Z, especially when things seem to be extremely frustrating, which they can be. But be careful because if you keep telling your body that it doesn’t need hair, then it may just become your reality. Your body starts to believe that, “Okay, I don’t need hair… I don’t need to make hair.”

Distance yourself from negativity.

Point 3: Elimination diet is at the core of any healing program

Some form of elimination diet is always at the core of any healing program. Any healing program has elimination diet, various forms of it, at the core of it.

You’ve probably seen programs that promise the hope of reversing alopecia, and some of them even come with pretty hefty price tags (multiple thousands of $$$). Ultimately, it’s your choice. It’s your decision on what you want to do and what you are willing to pay.

But before you drop some serious $$$ purchasing any program, and if you have an inkling of a question, or you’re starting to question whether it’s worth the the price tags, know that any of those so-called healing program involves elimination diet at the very core of it, no matter how glowing testimonials are presented to you.

If you have even the slightest inkling to question the price tag, whether it’s worth the price that you are gonna pay for these programs, know that there’s hardly any big secret behind these programs. If you think that you’re paying the hefty price tags for some well-kept secret that’s going to be the ultimate answer to your alopecia struggles… there is no huge, mysterious secret approach.

Diet is at the core of it, along with other measures, of course, but the value in paying for healing programs is when the approach is well organized and well put together, especially if you also get personalized support so that you have a step by step process that you can follow… that’s the actual value of it. There’s no big secret behind it. There’s no big, you know, well kept secret key to solving this. There’s no such thing.

If you have never done anything else for your alopecia, you may want to work on your diet first. And the information about diet is widely available for free.

Simply put, you have the option to pay a lot of money to access organized information and guidance, but you don’t HAVE to. Paying a lot of money for healing programs is not your only shot at putting alopecia behind you. It’s still possible for you to do it yourself or with varying levels of support. But I just wanna free you of that thought that you’ve probably been sold to, that paying hefty price tax and thousands and thousands of dollars for something is your only way out. It is not.

Point 4: Choose a diet modality that works for YOU

Any diet modality that you’ve heard of can have success stories. You need to choose one that works for you and what works for one person may not work for another. Even what works for one person at one time may not work for that same person at another time.

Diet can be super overwhelming because there are so many theories and justifications and success stories and proof for all of the different modalities, and they can look extremely different from one to the other. And you are wondering why can there be success stories for something so different, right?

So here are the general guidelines that I stick to when it comes to diet that can hopefully help you choose your modality as well.

Guideline #1.

Choosing a diet modality that has worked for most people with similar condition as you, in this case alopecia, would be a good start.

Although autoimmune conditions theoretically all have the same mechanism, technically the solution for different kinds of autoimmune conditions will be pretty much the same, right? If they have the me same mechanism that cause it, then the solution should be pretty much the same. But I found that in practice, in reality, that’s not always the case.

The diet for alopecia doesn’t only need to address the triggers that cause hair loss, but it also needs to fulfill the nutritional requirements to speed up hair regrowth. So in this case, the most efficient, the most effective diet for resolving alopecia as an autoimmune condition may not be, or may be slightly different from a diet to resolve another type of autoimmune condition, for example, rheumatoid arthritis, because alopecia involves a lot of hair regrowth as part of the solution, but rheumatoid arthritis involves a lot of pain, so it’s more about arresting the triggers, but there’s no demand to grow a lot of something. In alopecia, that something is hair.

Guideline #2.

Choose a diet modality that doesn’t focus solely on addressing your current alopecia symptoms while putting your longer term overall health at risk of other illnesses, especially if we’re talking about kids here with their whole life ahead of them, or younger people with their whole life ahead of them. We wanna think of that overall long-term health too.

Guideline #3.

Choose a diet modality that you can see yourself sticking to, that you can implement sustainably, for the next little while. Because even if you are in remission, even if you’re no longer getting symptoms or your symptoms are hugely improving, chances are that you will most likely have to stay on some variations of that same diet for the foreseeable future.

Many programs like to put timestamps, like X number of weeks. Putting timestamps like that appeals to the audience as if a condition can be resolved in just X number of weeks, right? But the truth is, X number of weeks is just when you can start to see signs that things are working, and you will have to continue on that path for at least months and sometimes even years. Especially if we’re talking about things like alopecia, where the biological process of hair growth itself takes time.

So don’t get too caught up in the X number of weeks as, okay, I only have to stay on this for x number of weeks. So be careful when you’re choosing a pretty extreme form of diet because usually you’ll have to stay on it for quite a while.

Point 5: Keep and open mind: “Experts” have biases too

Don’t just blindly buy into the preachings of any so-called experts. Listen to them, get the information, but always keep an open mind. Use your own common sense, your own intuition, and listen to your gut. Listen to your body.

A big issue I often see is that people go into this with the right positive mindset of wanting to heal, but over time as they consume more and more information from these “experts”, they become so rigid and uptight about certain protocols, and I personally don’t even like to use the word protocol. But anyway, they become so uptight about certain theories in whatever modality they choose to adopt.

Don’t ever stop to be objectively critical about any stand that you are presented with by any experts. All of these experts are humans. They have their own biases, and I’ve watched enough of them over the years and I see the same pattern. Usually they have all built a brand for themselves based on the views and the approach that they use and they teach and they kind of have to hold on to those views to maintain their personal brand. So, use your own good, objective judgment. And remember that every human has their own biases and no one is ever always a hundred percent correct.

Point 6: Finding the true ROOT cause is extremely rare

Finding the root cause and healing the root cause of any condition is very important, but it’s extremely rare that we are able to find and get to the root causes in the case of chronic conditions that have been going on for years. Extremely rare.

If your alopecia is not caused by a clear trigger, like fungal infection, for example, or even something more complicated, let’s say your alopecia is caused by built-up trauma, and you manage to identify what that trauma is and you manage to go through certain processes to release that trauma…these are considered pretty straightforward triggers or causes, and they can be resolved by getting to that particular trigger.

But it’s very rare that people manage to get to the root of things, because as we understand things right now with all the limitations of science, the root of autoimmune alopecia, true autoimmune alopecia that’s caused by the immune system reacting in ways that it shouldn’t, is multifactorial, meaning that there’s not only one thing that causes it.

I think that the idea of healing the root cause has been oversold, quite frankly. Holistic approaches always emphasize on gut health. And gut health is important, but it’s not the root of the problem. Usually, it’s not.

Elimination diet can do wonders for stopping the triggers of hair loss in autoimmune alopecia, but elimination diet is not root cause healing, because even food sensitivities and overreaction of the immune system to certain foods are not root causes. Something else is causing the body to react. Diet does not solve the root cause, especially if poor diet has not been the culprit in the first place, which is the case with my daughter. This is why people still have to stay on a variation of that same diet in order for symptoms to not come back, because we have not got to the root cause.

The point is more about setting expectations, and I think it’s important to understand what it really means to get to the root cause and not be misled into thinking that staying on a particular elimination diet is fixing the root cause, because it’s not.

Point 7: Genetic predisposition is HUGE

Genetics play a huge role. I am probably going against the grain here by saying that genetics are super important. People don’t like to hear this because you can’t do anything about your genes. And saying that it’s genetics makes people feel as though it’s their fault. But I’m not here to say what people like to hear. I’m here to say what I think is the cold, hard truth. I’ve been knee deep in this autoimmune and alopecia thing for long enough to be able to say what I think is really the fact, the reality, not just theories.

Holistic wellness, health coaches, and health experts like to preach that genes simply load the gun, and epigenetics, which means everything else we do and expose our body to… basically through our diet, our environment, our lifestyle and and so on… is what really pulls the trigger.

In general, I agree with this analogy. But the big problem with this is that this view is largely based on a majority of the population who have made poor diet and lifestyle choices over a period of time, or have been exposed to environmental stress before they get symptoms of an autoimmune condition or any chronic condition. It is almost based on assumptions that everyone who has developed an autoimmune condition has made bad choices, or suboptimal choices through what they eat and how they’ve led their life up to that point. And this is simply not true.

Case in point, my daughter was 19 months old. She had always had well balanced, home prepared meals, slept well, received lots of love and attention at home, had no work stress, no life stress, not loaded with chemicals, no mold at home… you name it, all the common culprits of epigenetics. But a course of antibiotics from an illness she picked up from daycare, which she only went to three days a week, set off her autoimmune triggers. Why? Because of genetic predisposition. She ate better than every other kid we’ve seen. She slept better than most kids we knew. And other kids were picking up illnesses from daycare too. They were taking medications too. They were taking antibiotics too, but they did not have autoimmune going off. Why? Because genetics, because genetic predisposition, because the gun is loaded to begin with. If you don’t have a loaded gun, you can pull at the trigger all you want and nothing will happen. And that is just a fact.

And maybe if you have little ones dealing with this, unless they’ve been feeding on junk foods, which very few of us have not, then this is the group that I’m talking about. The group that has not been exposed to bad diet, bad lifestyle, environmental stress, chemicals, you name it. This is the group where the genetic predisposition is what puts them here.

I agree that for the most of us, diet and lifestyle have been suboptimal, unless you go out of your way to pay attention to what you eat and how you live your life. But even if you are not a super strict health nut who watches every single compound that ever enters your mouth, the occasional junk food, the occasional treats here and there should not and will not set off autoimmune symptoms, if you don’t have the genes for it.

I am not advocating for junk food or eating poorly, because eating poorly can lead to other problems, even if not autoimmune diseases. But my point is, you have to watch what you eat and every single aspect of your environmental and lifestyle choices carefully because you have a genetic predisposition to getting autoimmune triggers.

It’s not fair. Nothing in life is fair, but that is reality.

Point 8: Science is NOT everything

How many times has “Follow the science” been shoved down our brains in the past few years?

Science has done many, many great things, but science is not everything. Science doesn’t have the answer for everything. Science cannot help with everything.

People like to ask, what’s the scientific evidence of X, Y, and Z? What are the research papers?, where are the clinical trials?, double-blind, placebo, blah, blah, blah, as if these are the only things that would validate an idea.

Research and studies can support an idea, but I would even take those with a grain of salt. Again, research and studies are done by humans. Humans with limitations in their capacity, humans with biases. What scientific evidence you are able to see that you are able to read, that you are able to get your hands on, is simply what someone somewhere has proposed to do studies on , and what someone else has agreed to pay for.

If an idea hasn’t been proposed by someone, studies don’t get done. If an idea is proposed by someone, but no one wants to pay for it, studies don’t get done. Studies research, clinical trials are very expensive, time consuming, resource heavy things to do, so in order for your so-called research paper or journals or any other scientific evidence you deem will prove the validity of a concept or a modality, if no one wants to pay, you won’t see it. It doesn’t mean that it’s quack or that it doesn’t work or it’s not valid because there’s no research paper to to back that up. Just because something doesn’t have research and studies to back it up, it doesn’t automatically make it invalid.

Again, always be critically objective. Have a healthy dose of skepticism, even when it comes to science. Personally, I get tired of hearing “There is no evidence to show or prove X, Y, and Z”. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, and vice versa.

I have spent the earlier years of this journey combing through every research paper I could get my hands on, every journal, every clinical trial. I’ve come to learn that what matters most is what works for me. I don’t care if there’s no research paper or journal or clinical trial as long as — use your common sense — whatever that you’re doing does not harm your health, that it improves your health, then that’s all that matters. It doesn’t matter if you can’t find a thousand journals to back it up.

This obsession with science by way of research and studies has eroded or intuition, our own gut feeling when it comes to our own health. I like to look at scientific papers as references and only as references, and I also like to balance my view based on my own gut feeling, my own intuition, and seeing the realities of what works.

It doesn’t matter how many papers support an idea. If it doesn’t work for you, then it doesn’t work for you. It doesn’t matter if pharma drug X, Y, and Z has a ton of papers to prove that it’s “safe”. If it causes you harm and sets you off an autoimmune spectrum, and all the papers in the world don’t mean a thing.

Basically, my point is, keep an open mind and keep a balanced view on things, and don’t be too obsessed over a particular idea.


So that is it: Eight important points that I’ve learned over more than seven years. Seven long, bumpy years of navigating and resolving alopecia. Tell me in the comments of my Youtube video, which of these eight points resonates with you the most, or which point sparks an aha moment for you? What’s your biggest challenge with trying to overcome alopecia, whether naturally or with the help of pharmaceutical medicine? Tell me, what’s your biggest challenge? What’s your biggest, biggest question? And what do you want me to talk about in my next episodes and. Let me know in the comments and I’ll see you in the next one. Thank you!

Can Topical Treatment Using Botanical Oil Help with Alopecia?

Can Topical Treatment Using Botanical Oil Help with Alopecia?

Addressing Alopecia or hair loss that is caused by autoimmunity often involves an overhaul of almost all aspects that affect your health, including diet, nutrition, lifestyle practices, as well as your home and environment. In most cases, we also need to address underlying issues and imbalances in order to stop the progression of hair loss, give the body a chance to heal and restore itself, and finally get full hair regrowth.

While nutrition and lifestyle play a key, primary role in addressing Alopecia from the inside, topical hair care using natural botanicals can be very helpful to nourish scalp health and encourage hair regrowth by feeding your hair follicles with nutrients from the outside. Incorporating the right botanicals into your hair care routine can do wonders in complementing your effort toward overcoming Alopecia.

Why it’s important to look after scalp health and hair follicle nourishment

Alopecia disrupts the natural cycle of hair growth, leaving the hair follicles weakened. To revitalize these follicles and stimulate hair regrowth, it’s crucial to focus on scalp health and provide them with the nutrients they need. This is where we can utilise the power of natural botanicals, as they are a treasure trove of nutrients and fatty acids that our scalp and hair follicles love.

Just as our bodies thrive on wholesome, nutrient-rich food, our hair follicles also crave nourishment in order to flourish. In a world that is dominated by synthetic and chemical-based hair products, we look to ingredients that are close to nature to provide us with an array of nutrients and essential fatty acids that promote optimal hair and scalp health. While they cannot cure Alopecia on their own, they can play a key supportive role. And when we’re dealing with something as complex as autoimmune Alopecia and hair loss, we want to take advantage of everything that can help.

FREE Mini Course: “Botanical Oils for Hair Growth”
Which botanicals have powerful properties to enhance hair and scalp health? How to use these botanicals in your hair care routine? What to watch out for when choosing ingredients for your hair care?

In this educational email series, we dive deeper into my top picks of natural botanicals to nourish a healthy scalp and feed the hair follicles.

What to expect:
– Insights into botanicals that have powerful properties to enhance hair and scalp health, such as rosemary, lavender, thyme, cedarwood, peppermint, black cumin seeds, almond, coconut, kukui nut or candlenut, and vitamin E.
– How to incorporate these botanicals into your daily hair care routine so that you can tap into their benefits for your scalp and hair health.
– What to look out for when it comes to choosing ingredients for your hair care.

Note: The information provided in this mini-course is for educational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice or treatment. Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your hair care routine. By signing up, you will receive email updates from me with content of the FREE Mini Course, as well as other updates including promotions of products and services. Your information will never be shared with third parties. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Handcrafted Botanical Hair Oil for Alopecia

All the yummy nutrients from fresh rosemary, black cumin seeds, lavender, cedarwood, thyme and peppemint have been imparted into the hair-nourishing coconut, kukui nut, sweet almond and vitamin E oil through a long, 6-week process, resulting in vibrant, deep-green liquid gold that provides a nutritional feast for your hair and scalp.

Formulated through my years of handling Alopecia. Handcrafted in Canada, the oil is ready to use and comes in dropper bottles for easy application. It contains ONLY hair-benefiting botanicals and nutrients, and nothing else.